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What does regular maintenance look like?Updated 2 years ago

Regular maintenance

We want to see our riders out enjoying their bikes for years to come, in order to do so and get the most out of your investment we recommend staying up on regular maintenance of these bikes. We have included a list of components found on your bike with their respective maintenance periods.

Monthly Service:

Deep clean bike, inspect components for any signs of damage, degrease chain and drivetrain 

Check all cables and housing for any signs of damage, wear, rust, or kinks

Check chain wear 

Every 6 months:

Check tire wear depending on how much you’ve been riding it may be time to replace these

Check bearing systems: They may not need to be replaced but cleaning and greasing systems like the hubs, bottom bracket, pedals, and headset helps lifetime of these products

Check Brake pads

Check cassette & chainring wear


Bleed braking system

Check Bearing systems: Depending on how much riding the bike has seen these may need to be replaced.

Replace cables and housing

A large majority of the maintenance listed above is subject to how much riding the individual is doing and in what types of environments the bike is being exposed to. These are all just basic recommendations, none of the above will be covered under any sort of warranty work.


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